Sabra had a great idea this morning...blogging about our top ten childhood memories. Man just ten...and do they have to be happy? Just kidding. I have plenty memories of growing up in Bard and with my family. Here they are...
1. Playing with Zac since Bard had so many other things to do. We played cowboys and indians (complete with outfits and weapons), bad guys, tent, and occasionally I got him to play barbies and teacher/school.
2. My father...stealing sips of his Diet Coke from the fridge, putting barrettes in his hair while he slept, MOVIE MARATHONS, and Ronnie's Pizza on Friday nights.
3. Breaks on the farm...since I was mostly in year round and my mother worked all colored tracks Zac and I would get to spend a few weeks working on the farm with Grandma Evelyn. Zac and I would play out in all the farm equipment at Berryman Farms, I ran the cash register, dusted, mopped, and swept Ross Corner, bagged oranges, sorted and wrapped dates, hung out with Paul and Roberto, and bank drops and lunch with grandma in town. I loved being with her and just doing the errands of the day.
4. 4-H...enough said. I don't really know how much I actually liked it all the time but it is definitely part of my childhood and I have MANY memories.
5. Christmas parties mom use to throw for Crane School faculty and staff. I loved them...the house was always so clean and decorated and all the people and food. I miss those a lot. I probably miss all her silly decorating.
6. Having older the time I was old enough to remember things my sisters were grown up and out of the house. I loved when they would come back and take me out for an afternoon or the day. I remember Kelly took me to McDonald's once and even got in the ball pit with me (although she was much to old to be in there with me), Katie took me to Pocahontas and Papa San...all the time, and Sabra once for my birthday took me to some store in the big curve shopping center and I got a blue checkered skort, white shirt, and baby blue sparkle jellies! They always took me out and made me feel so grown up.
7. I will never forget when we all went to Maine to see Uncle Richie and they took us to a lobster farm to pick out our dinner...I cried so much I was sent to my room and fell asleep for all of dinner...thank goodness! Uncle Richie also cheated at cards and always beat me at war...I think I caught on after a few games.
8. Playing on the farm with my cousins...riding bikes and playing in the groves with Jennifer, rolling around in the mud and dress up with Shay, and easybake oven, barbies, and boyfriends with Becky (I guess Becky was the super girly one).
9. My mother's insane days of baking, cooking, or canning. Mom never cooked for us all the time (I wasn't lucky like the three older girls and had three course meals)...but on certain weekends she would decide to do one thing and she would go crazy...chocolate chip cookies, lasagna, and jams...I hated picking apricots for the jam. But after all her time we would have good food to eat...except for the cookies those always went to grandpa (his birthday or fathers day present) we would only get a few.
10.My pink PLAYhouse dad built me was always fun to play in. I had so many fun memories in there...playing drive through, house, etc. It wasn't long after I got it that I started having to duck to get through the door...I was way too tall. But it was pink with white trim so it was the best!