For the living room I bought these cute accent pillows for the couches and have worked from there. The blue accent pillows match the blue flowers. I am contemplating drapes for the sliding glass door but cannot decide. Would it be too much? What color would look great and not over power the room?
As for my wall of frames (they will go above my big couch) I decided to go with yellow as my color, to match the little yellow flowers in the pillow. I also wanted to use a warmer yellow as well to bring some variety to the frames. However, I ended up getting orange apparently. At first I hated the colors but they are starting to grow on me. Should I keep the orange? I mean there is no orange in the pillows but its a great color that goes with the rest.
The frames are still in progress. They have been painted. My next decision is whether or not I should put a mocha glaze on them to make them look antique. Thoughts?
Other than curtains, which are a maybe, the entertainment center is the only issue I have left to address. But I am in no hurry. I watch television in my room mostly and only use this one to watch my work out DVDs on. It gets the job done.
The AFTER...
There is another lamp next to the couch but it over powered the picture.
So the last thing I cannot decide is whether to get rid of one of the huge bookcases. I could totally condense down to one if I had too. Sometimes I think the two together is a lot for this room. Suggestions??
PS every piece of furniture in this room was from the magical dumpster, neighbors moving out, or freecycle. The three things I bought were the two couches ($150 from Cragslist) and the little table the t.v. is on (less than $2 at Goodwill 5 years ago). Not bad in my opinion!
I am no expert, but...Okay, who are we kidding? I'm an expert. Call me. We'll discuss it over Skype. I have some thoughts.
the more color the better, i say bring it anywhere and everyone you can, blue drapes or green would be pretty and the frames i like them as they are - it looks great so far!
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