Wednesday, July 16, 2008

No, I love the '80s and '90s!

Well my countless hours of web surfing today brought me across a listing of the items that appeared on the I love the '80s and '90s VH1 show. I was suprised at how many I didn't know about or really got into as a child. There were of course many that I recognized and many more I thought of on my own. I decided to create my own list using some of their items and a few of my own! Becky will remember some of them...easy bake oven and Pretty Woman! We had a lot of fun growing up in little ol' Bard, CA. We played and did some ridiculous things on the farm; but for the sake of staying with mainstream things like the tv show I did not include those in my list...such as playing in mud puddles or making hay stack forts! So here are the things I remember seeing/hearing about/playing with during my childhood.

1. Pretty Woman
2. Slap Bracelets
3. Easy Bake Ovens/Creepy Crawlers
4. Little Mermaid
5. Free Willy
6. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
7. OJ Simpson
8. Beanie Babies
9. Tamagotchi/Giga Pets
10. Aqua
11. Barbies
12. Furby
13. LFO
14. The Blair Witch Project
15. Rollerblades

There are many more things that I could list reguarding my childhood but I thought fifteen items were enough!

1 comment:

Laydee said...

you forgot Squiggly shoe laces you don't tie!...but I think we may have missed out on the farm...I never got a monchichi(so hideous!)