Monday, July 7, 2008

At the River (a few weekends ago)

For some reason I did not post any of the pictures or the video I took of the kids at the river from a few weekends ago. We all went and had a ton of usual. This trip was particularly funny because the Buddy would have to pull his swim trunks down to pee (even though we were in the river)...potty training taught him well! The best though is when Bob picked him up while he was peeing and chased Sabra around...eewww. The boat next to us played some decent music and the boys loved it. Buddy made fists with his hands and pretended to play the drums or not really know. Cute though! And the baby was pole dancing...see the video below. I could have gotten much cutier pictures and video from that day but of course I am not my mother and my camera is not glued to my face for the capturing of spontaneous moments from the kids.


Sabra said...

That's comedy! I wish we would have taken earlier pole dancing video because he was really goin' at it!

Laydee said...

he seems to have the 'lean' down...little work on the spin :)
too cute!