The weather here was absolutely beautiful yesterday, in the 70s! Steve and I ran out the night before and bought a grill, all the necessary grill related items(tiki lights included), and food.
We spent the afternoon putting together the grill, lights, preparing the food, and cleaning up the house for Zack and Rollie's (pronounced Rah-lee) arrival. We had not met Rollie before since Zack adopted him in February so it was fun to have them over! He is a sweet dog, but HUGE compared to the boys.
I enjoyed the great food and company. I cannot wait for more nights of grilling. BUT I do miss everyone in Pittsburgh :(
I miss food.
You should do what we are doing! Kirsten lost 4, Lia lost 4.5, and I didn't lose any (for reasons) but this week I have already lost 2 and its only Wednesday!!!
What are you guys doing, Joan? I lost 15 lbs in the last 10 days, but had to stop the shots this week. I have gained back 3, but will be restarting next week and hope to keep losing!!
Read my Game On Diet post...thats what we are doing. I LOVE IT! I eat and I am full but its healthy and I feel great! It takes some time and planning but once you get into the groove its easy.
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