We spent the afternoon putting together the grill, lights, preparing the food, and cleaning up the house for Zack and Rollie's (pronounced Rah-lee) arrival. We had not met Rollie before since Zack adopted him in February so it was fun to have them over! He is a sweet dog, but HUGE compared to the boys.
I enjoyed the great food and company. I cannot wait for more nights of grilling. BUT I do miss everyone in Pittsburgh :(
I miss food.
You should do what we are doing! Kirsten lost 4, Lia lost 4.5, and I didn't lose any (for reasons) but this week I have already lost 2 and its only Wednesday!!!
What are you guys doing, Joan? I lost 15 lbs in the last 10 days, but had to stop the shots this week. I have gained back 3, but will be restarting next week and hope to keep losing!!
Read my Game On Diet post...thats what we are doing. I LOVE IT! I eat and I am full but its healthy and I feel great! It takes some time and planning but once you get into the groove its easy.
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