Saturday, January 31, 2009

The "D" Word

I started applying to internships for this summer and decided I needed to get some boring business suits of my own (can't always borrow one). I of course love buying business pants, it is always fun to dress up; however suit jackets are not so fun...I always feel way too old lady-ish. Oh well right, everyone HAS to wear them when interviewing.

After I bought them I thought...with the job market as crumby as it is, do I really need these suits? How many interviews will I be going on and will anyone hire me at a time like this? I am so nervous about getting a "real" job with an economy like ours. I know all this worry is coming from talking to my mother, who loves to tell me how the US is going to go into a depression (the "D" word I beg her not to mention) and we must be prepared. I hope she is wrong...I hope it doesn't get too bad...and I hope I can get an internship and eventually a job when I graduate. YIKES!

I should just stop being a worry wart and just got to bed...

1 comment:

Laydee said...

the thing of it is, our nation is still young- others have overcome bad economy issues before...heck- even we did! and as long as we're down, so is the rest of the world. someone is bound to have a foolproof answer soon. (i say bail out money goes to us tax payers, think- 100 g's to pay stuff off house, car, whatever-people would buy more stupid crap once they get out of debt!!)