Monday, October 5, 2009

"When our hair is white, we'll still have our sister love"

This book was given to Sabra and I around the same time from our sister Katie. I think I am the first to finish; which isn't a surprise considering that my sissy now has two jobs and 4 kids that keep her extremely busy. (I won't give too much away)

I will just say...

I really enjoyed this book. It follows two sisters on their journey through life together, which of course consists of hard times and struggle (China in the early 1900s). It became more than just a "really good read" by the time I finished the last chapter. This story made me think about the relationships we have with our sisters. Most importantly it reminded me that although we are very different and may not choose to go through life on the same path, we will always have each other and there is nothing quite like the bond between sisters.

I love my sisters and even though we may have many differences we are very much the same.

1 comment:

Sabra said...

So, is this bond the reason you we haven't talked in several days?!