Sunday, January 13, 2008

Brazil Day Two

Today we had the day off from "class". So I slept in and ate a late breakfast. After breakfast Kirsten and I read and then headed down to the market. Sunday is the big day for little markets all over the city. We only went to the big one close to the hostel. After that we came back and showered....after they fixed the water and had it up and running again. Then Kirsten, Mike, and I went for a tour of the mall they have here. It is actually quite nice. There was a McDonald's in their food court and I had A FRIED APPLE PIE....don't be too jealous John and Sabra. After that when we were walking home Kirsten fell into a hole in the street and broke the ceramic pig I had bought from a street sad. We will go back tomorrow and get another one. We also saw a dead rat on the side walk...and then a live one jumped out at us when we were walking home after dark. It was good fun though. For dinner we went to a crappy little fast food place called Bob's. NASTY...tomorrow we are going to a better more Brazilian place for dinner. We are also taking to tours of school around here and Lisa and I are going to be doing our senior project. WISH ME LUCK!
Love and Miss Everyone


Sabra said...

What is the fecal thing all about?

Just Joan said...

It is a sewer on the streets...i just thought it was funny how they had it labeled. How did you like the dead rat?? Love you and miss you. Wish tiny happy bday...even though he really has no idea....have you decided what to do for his bday???

Sabra said...

Fecal labeling is very important, Joan!

Tiny's birthday was uneventful. We might do something next week. I'm still fighting this cold or whatever it is.

I hope you are okay! Love you!